
FPA specializes in all aspects of environmental and urban planning, regulatory processes, and project management. For over 35 years, FPA has provided the highest quality of consulting services to its clients in private real estate development, institutional expansion and redevelopment and public sector infrastructure.

Environmental and Urban Planning

Environmental and Urban Planning

FPA recognizes the value of creating planning partnership with our clients and local communities. FPA has led a broad range of urban and waterfront master plans for public agencies including the Boston Planning & Development Agency, MassDevelopment, the Massachusetts Port Authority, and many municipalities. Balancing commercial, residential, and public interests to create vibrant and prosperous urban areas, we work collaboratively with all agencies and interested parties to generate strong, long-term, and realizable visions for the future.

  • Waterfront Development Planning
  • Land Use Planning and Analysis
  • Institutional Master Plans
  • Climate Resiliency Planning
  • Master Planning
  • Municipal Harbor Planning and Designated Port Areas
  • Municipal Ordinances and Land-Use Regulation
  • Site Feasibility Analysis
  • GIS Analysis
  • Regulatory Process

    Regulatory Process

    FPA brings its extensive experience and informed analysis to the resolution of complex environmental issues. With a highly sophisticated grasp of local, state, and federal environmental regulations, we provide strategic advice regarding options available to our clients to comply with regulations while achieving desired outcomes. We have developed excellent working relationships with environmental agencies, including the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Office of Coastal Zone Management. We take a collaborative approach to working with relevant environmental advocacy groups and have a proven track record of building consensus with them. We have extensive experience working with federal, state, and local agencies and have developed effective strategies to obtain permits, approvals, and compliance documents to allow projects to move forward without delay.


  • Army Corps of Engineers
  • Environment Protection Agency
  • Federal Aviation Administration
  • U.S. Coast Guard
  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • State:

  • Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act
  • Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Wetlands and Waterways
  • Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
  • Massachusetts Historical Commission
  • Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management
  • Local Environmental Reviews:

  • City of Boston Article 80
  • Conservation Commissions
  • Historic Commissions
  • Inspectional Services Departments
  • Zoning Boards of Appeal
  • Project Management

    FPA boasts exceptional project management expertise that ranges from guiding the development of individual properties to conducting visioning for large-scale, urban areas. FPA has established its reputation managing complex, multi-dimensional projects such as the $700,000 Port of Boston Economic Development Plan and the $1.2 million feasibility study for the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. We are highly capable of orchestrating the services of a multi-disciplinary team to achieve project objectives on time and on budget. As project manager, FPA is responsible for ensuring that the team’s professional resources are applied appropriately, fully capitalizing on the strengths and expertise of each contributing team member. FPA provides development strategies and project scheduling and assists clients in designer selection and community relations.